Saturday, 15 November 2014

Amazon is the benchmark for retail corporations and others

Amazon is the benchmark for retail corporations. The company has been the best out there and has dominated the market for many years now. When compared to its peers and competitors, Amazon is way ahead of them as it provides best quality products in comparatively lower prices. The retail stores such as Wal-Mart, EBay, and Target etc. have been chasing and trying to match the prices with the largest retailer in the United States. After expanding its business into more product categories, the company has put big money into enhancing its Prime service, which, when it first began, simply offered members free two-day shipping on millions of items sold by the online retailer.
Either you compare other retail stores with Amazon or you compare the likes of Netflix and Hulu against Amazon Prime or Amazon’s Echo with Siri, Amazon has proved to be the standout company in all the categories. Amazon has been an essential company in the market over the years. When you compare EBay and Wal-Mart against AMZN, these stores do not even come close in terms of product quality, customer satisfaction, or prices. Despite that the companies are trying to chase the lower prices of Amazon, they still lack to do what Amazon has already done.
Apart from the in-store and online store shopping, Amazon’s Amazon Prime is proving to be the next big thing in a few months. As the technology is advancing day by day, the trend of 4K TV, 4K videos, and 4K streaming is getting popular. Hence, when compared to its competitors, Amazon has planned to give free streaming service to its Amazon Prime members whereas Netflix will be charging around $8.99 for one month plan. Hence, this will leave the Netflix viewers in some confusion whether to stick with Netflix or switch to Amazon Prime.
Finally, Amazon’s Echo is the computer of the future. As soon as the company unveiled its new innovative device, it had already captivated the market through its idea which boggled the minds of people present there and people who now read about this device.
Hence in a nutshell, Amazon is certainly the benchmark for retail corporations and others as well as it is well ahead of its peers and competitors.

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