Wednesday 18 February 2015

Facebook Releases Breakthrough Switch Platform

Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) has come up with a device that is reportedly one of the biggest advancements made in the tech industry, a hardware device called the Open Source Modular Switch Program. This device is built to make internet usage a lot cheaper and speedier than it already is.
According to technology experts, this device can bring improvements in the internet surfing by a huge difference and make massive developments in the performance of the cyberspace. This switch is created for the purpose of directing traffic flow throughout the internet. Also, this switch has also been deemed as being more reliable.

These switches are at points where fibers and wires, which are connected to computers, meet and create intersection points. These switches help information to flow freely and without distortions. Having said that, the usage of switches has been ignored due to the fact that switches have previously proved to be not very reliable or intelligent if compared to a human being.

Facebook has decided to bring a revolution in this case. The switches that were formerly deemed unintelligent are now being made into more smart beings by the social networking giant which will now handle all the traffic flow on the internet, something that was previously being done by computers. If things go according to plan for the Facebook, then this new switch introduced by the company will lessen the burden for computers and will be solely responsible to for guiding traffic flow and will therefore work more efficiently.
The social media giant has also launched racks and power supplies to work with these switches. Its new venture to make productive changes on the internet is clear as the switches that are already available in the market are not compatible to work for a user base of over a billion people of the social networking site.
Another reason why the company has decided to invent their own customized switch is because the companies which are already provided satisfying switches usually have a closed source which can be operated only by those companies which have spent time in building the switches up.
Facebook has introduced its own set of customized switches as they wish to gain more control over the traffic flow on the internet. Besides that, Google Inc. and have made private switches way before the social networking giant even thought of creating them.
The social networking website aims to make data center cheaper and obtain more control over the internet usage and improve their future designs.    

1 comment:

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